If you need help with “Text Animator for Unity” or if you just want to contact the developer, this is the right place.

Need help?

Here are some useful pages that might help you (other than the documentation):

Support Access

If you still need help after looking at the above sections, you can get support access below.

P.S. Unless you have pre-purchase questions, you will be required to verify your asset(s) purchase (e.g. providing your Unity Invoice Number or similar). Thanks!

Discord Server

P.S. Please update to the latest version available before asking for support. Thanks!

You can join our Discord Server and have both us developers reply to you and also the Community! Our goal is to have people share their own effects, gamedev stuff, games and more, so let’s get things started ^^

Contact us

In case you want to contact us directly (e.g. for business requests) [Expand]

In case you want to contact us directly for topics that are not support requests, please send us an email at the address below.
-> hello[at]febucci[dot]com
P.S. We're not able to process support requests via this email. Please don't try to cheat, thanks!

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